It’s hard living with chronic pain and of course you will feel sad and run down a lot. I did all the time. I know exactly how you feel. I was bedridden, crying and hopeless. Having depression already increases the risk of fibromyalgia due to changes in the serotonin levels and limbic system imbalances. Of course having fibromyalgia pain will make you feel depressed. They both go hand in hand. Studies have shown that those already diagnosed with major depressive disorder are at higher risk of developing fibromyalgia.
In the limbic system, you have parts affected by trauma, stress and neurotransmitter imbalances. Your thoughts and emotions also affect your limbic system which can create pain throughout the body as it affects substance P and parts of the brain and central nervous system. As stated , substance P is a neuropeptide that goes on extra high mode causing misfiring of pain signals and fibromyalgia.
Try to remember that everyone’s different, no two bodies or brains are alike , but we do have similarities in what we consume and how systems generally work. Some people have different issues and causes of fibromyalgia including inflammation or PTSD, depression etc. However, all parts of the brain, body and spirit are connected with fibromyalgia.
What can you do to feel less depressed and be in less pain? Well, it’s important to try as many natural methods as well as listen to your healthcare provider. Be active in your treatment plan and incorporate plenty of healthy foods including good fats, fruits , grains and vegetables and plant based protein. Vitamin D is also shown to reduce depression and those with low levels are at risk of developing fibromyalgia.
If you need talk therapy, then please by all means seek out professional counseling and work on your emotions, thoughts, relaxation etc. Light exercise helps such as walking, swimming, yoga or pilates. Try meditating, using essential oils and forms of relaxation. Remember the more you work on pain reduction and your own emotions, the better you will feel.