If Your Wheelchair Bound Due To Fibromyalgia, Or Need Adaptive Clothing

Fibromyalgia affects men as well as women. In extreme cases, fibromyalgia may leave you wheelchair bound or in the position to need adaptive clothing so it’s more comfortable for you. Not to worry about where to find these items anymore. Check out the website below to acquire some amazing adaptive clothing items. https://izadaptive.com/shariemami

The MTHFR Gene And Fibromyalgia. What’s The Link?

Fibromyalgia has always been thought to be a rheumatic disease. Although it feels like it affects the soft tissue of the muscular system, it’s actually the misfiring signals of the brain that make you feel more sensitivity to pain. It stems from the brain and it’s neurological issues. What does this have to do with… Continue reading The MTHFR Gene And Fibromyalgia. What’s The Link?

Are You Tired Of Experiencing Gut Issues And Fatigue Due To Fibromyalgia? I Know That I Sure Was

You may already be familiar with the benefits of Chlorella for fibromyalgia, as discussed on my “products just for your needs” page, and various blog posts. However, Chlorella combined with Spirulina can give you even more benefits. The product above has both. Why not get two in one package? What is Spirulina? And How Can… Continue reading Are You Tired Of Experiencing Gut Issues And Fatigue Due To Fibromyalgia? I Know That I Sure Was

When I Was First Diagnosed

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the summer of 2014, after six months of unbearable symptoms. I had lingering body aches everyday and my muscles felt like they were on fire. I was also diagnosed with TMJ due to my teeth grinding and the pain got worse once I started experiencing fibromyalgia symptoms. TMJ causes… Continue reading When I Was First Diagnosed

Wellness Tips For Mommies With Fibromyalgia

When you’re a mom, you have so many tasks both including physical and mental, while keeping it all together. This includes your mental energy as well as your physical health. It is a hard job , so kudos to you! However, with fibromyalgia, it presents even more challenges with motherhood. How can you be prepared?… Continue reading Wellness Tips For Mommies With Fibromyalgia