Clary Sage And It’s Benefits for Fibromyalgia

Clary Sage, which is derived from the Mediterranean Basin, has healing properties that go beyond pain relief.

In my book, I talk about how fibromyalgia was worse around my period. My period cramps were ten times worse after being diagnosed, than before.

Clary Sage has been known to reduce the pain of period cramps as well as help with menopausal symptoms. This can help provide you with comfort during this time of the month, when your fibro seems to be acting up more.
Clary Sage can also provide mood boosting benefits, which can help you cope with the chronic pain of fibromyalgia.

You can purchase Clary Sage essential oil on my homepage on the Jade Bloom link. Here are the details.

SKU 917288

Standard – 10 ML +$10.95 (169)
*LARGE – 60 ML (Save 10%) +$58.95 (10)
**EXTRA LARGE – 120 ML (Save 20%) +$104.95 (
Clary Sage (Russian)

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